
Unit 1 「你从哪一个国家来的」★★★☆☆

In this unit, you will learn how to introduce a country in some aspects.

1.Listen to the show 1st time generally to catch the key words, and write down those you're unfamiliar in pinyin.

2.When you listen to the 2nd times, you can try to verify if your guess makes sense in the sentence. It doesn't matter if there're some words escaped. What really counts is that you can catch key words/sentences and the general idea of each paragraph (it's usually marked by a short break). Enjoy the show.

关键词(Key words)

(1) 海峡 Haixia (strait)
Ex: 台湾跟中国中间, 只隔着一条「台湾海峡」.

(2) 城市—
1.直辖市 Zhixiashi (city under jurisdiction of central government ),

Ex: 高雄市在台湾的南方, 它是台湾的直辖市.
2.首都 Shoudu
Ex: 华沙是波兰的首都.

(3) 地形— 1.盆地 Pendi (basin); 2.平原 Pingyuan (plain)
Ex: 台北的地形是一个盆地, 它的形状像碗.

(4) 天气— 1.四季 Siji; 2.闷热 Menre; 3.凉爽 Liangshuang
Ex: 非洲四季都很热, 有些地方在高山的後面, 没什麽风, 天气更是闷热.

(5) 展览—1.书法 Shufa; 2.绘画 Huihua ; 3.雕刻 Diaoke; 4.玉石 Yushi(Ex: 一块玉石)
Ex: 「山水画」是中国绘画的一种.

听广播 (Listening to the show)

口语练习 Speaking Drill:
1. 听力理解-listening comprehension(1 min)
Please repeat the questions first and then answer.

(1) 台湾在大陆的哪一个方向?
(2) 因为台湾跟大陆距离很近, 所以很多人都去那边做什么?
(3) 台北的夏天又闷又热, 因为它的地形是什麽?
(4) 去台北的话,可以做些什么活动?
(5) 故宫是什麽样的地方, 里面有哪些东西?

2.介绍你的国家-introducing your country (1 min minimum)
Here are some optional paterns you can use.

(1) 你好, 我叫…;
(2) 我是从…来的, 我现在住在…;
(3) 我很喜欢我住的地方...因为这里有...
(4) 说到波兰的特色,波兰的(ex:天气, 地形,生活)...

3. 想要住的地方-places I want to live(1 min)
(1) 我想要住在(ex: 中国, 英国, 法国), 因为...
(2) 如果住在台湾, 我想要住在(ex:台北,高雄), 因为...

Mail Back the recording file (mp3 or wma format) to Batllomania@yahoo.com.tw, or just upload them to your blog and make a connection , thank you.